Air Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011 [8-9pm]
Audition City: Los Angeles, CA

Last year, it was announced that American Idol would be teaming up with MySpace (aka the social network website no one uses) for online auditions. They combined those auditions into this episode.
We got some shots of Jennifer Lopez swearing (I believe mainly directed at Randy Jackson, who swore himself). I guess Steven Tyler has finally rubbed off on them...
Best of the Night (though that's not saying much):
- Karen Rodriguez
- Mark & Aaron Gutierrez - "Lean On Me" (brothers)
- These brothers sounded pretty good together, but I cannot honestly form an opinion because a duet (with no main solos) doesn't tell me anything about their individual voices. Regardless of group numbers in Hollywood Week and group performances during results show, American Idol is ultimately an individual competition; there can only be one winner.
Bad Auditions:
- Tynisha Roches - Brought her own microphone
- After the first song and receiving not-so-good feedback, she proceeded to sing a second, and then a third, song. Eventually, Randy couldn't take it any more and walked out. Tynisha followed him (I wouldn't want to be Randy there). Security was called in to escort her out. Now see - I don't remember this wacky of a bad audition in a long while; what I mean by that is one in which security is called in, or there is awkward interaction between the singer and judges (a singer throwing water at Simon is one example from the past).
- Matt "Big Stats" Frankel - Freelance music producer
- If he really is a music producer (even if it is freelance), wouldn't that somehow disqualify him from competing? I understand that, besides the age requirement, the only main rule to audition is you cannot have a current record deal, but shouldn't being a music producer fit under that rule as well?
- Cooper Robinson - James Brown's "I Feel Good"
- This wacky guy is in his 50's (though he doesn't know his exact age). This obviously makes him ineligible, but that hasn't stopped Idol from showcasing someone like him before (at least General Larry "Pants on the Ground" Platt was entertaining).
- Observation: Is it just me, or does his costume remind anyone of a Halloween costume that Ellen DeGeneres wore one year on her talk show?
I didn't hear them say how many advanced to Hollywood. Maybe the producers are ashamed themselves of this audition stop that they don't want to reveal the amount?
Next Wednesday, Idol heads to San Francisco (8-9pm, FOX). Does it seem odd that there are two California audition stops this year (the L.A. stop was added in last minute)? Anyway... Both Adam Lambert and Katharine McPhee auditioned in San Fran; does that mean we'll see some top-notch talent? Who knows...we'll just have to tune in and find out. See ya then...
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